
Hey there! I’m Madison Leigh mom to three little girls who I teach here at our home in hot, hot, HOT Arizona. I love to read books, play cozy videogames, and experiment with cooking and baking from scratch! (My latest ventures include homemade yogurt and sourdough.) I began homeschooling our daughters in late 2022 after my middle daughter was diagnosed with PANDAS. Around the same time she was also diagnosed with ADHD, and she got glasses to correct her vision. I quickly learned that I could help her thrive by teaching her at home. Unfortunately, the public school system just couldn’t offer us anything better than that, but that became perfectly alright with me. We pulled our oldest out of school, and fell in love with homeschooling. I have since shared a bit of our journey through Instagram stories. Every day, I would recieve messages from friends and followers asking really similar questions and I would give really similar answers each time. I started thinking that it would be much easier (and more fun) to create a blog to document our journey! Thus, Madison Leigh Blog was born. I will always be honest and forthcoming when I share anything. I will never give reviews purely for monetary compensation without truly trying the products out and delivering honesty with my reviews. I hope to show families that homeschool can be as simple or complex as you make it and that it is truly a beautiful time to spend with your children as they grow.

In February of 2024, I delivered my first surrogate baby, and I do plan on doing a second journey in the year 2025, so stay tuned for future updates!

Thanks for being here!